Step 1 - Tiles Tile type

Step 2 - Measuresments Width x Length

Step 3 - Design

  • Start designing by choosing a tile colour & filling in the design grid
  • Select a second, third, fourth colour etc. to create patterns & designs
  • Use the no tile option to create voids or non-tiled areas

Step 4 - Edges Choose a colour a fill in the edges on the design grid

Step 5 - Corners Do not appear on your design *Contact the team for questions

Step 5 - My Design Name your design & download

Step 6 - Order using the Summary Selection quantities. Go to the Shop to order





Width (in Metres) :

Length (in Metres) :


Tile colours

Edges colours

  • None

Corners colours

  • None

Preset Designs


Top Left

Garage Door End

Top Right

8.0 m
8.0 m

Summary selection

Type Dimensions Colors Quantity

NOTE: Corners internal or external do not appear on your design. Add to your shopping cart or contact our team if you have any questions.